
Unchain the Night

I can't even believe how rad this weekend was. Except for a few blips. Man oh man! I found the cutest new mustard colored purse- some sunglasses that I actually like. I made plans for my birthday on February the 4th at 2nd Street Bistro in Pomona. Got to see our roomies-to-be, Cait and David twice. Made a Caesar Salad to pair with Erin's baked mac n' cheese. Seriously, there is nothing like comfort food in the dead of winter. So, I should be looking up cool new lovelies to share with you on my blog but truth be told, I can't take my eyes away from where else? Design Sponge! We're working on colors and thrift store finds for our room and the house. We decided to scratch modern and go bold- like we do. I'd like to do the walls turquoise and well, here is our inspiration board.

Hooray! We'll be moving on the 6th of February. Right now I'm dreaming of cardboard boxes and packing tape. After we move I'll be posting a lot more pictures of us-friends-family etc. I'm so excited for this next month. Also, I may be making a date for a specific type of minor surgery here soon. More on this later... XO