
Bad Medicine

The schedule is this: we have 528 hours, 31,680 minutes or 1,900,800 seconds until our move. THRILLED. Arrangements are moving along nicely. Oh, and I got my new boots today! They're so... boring. Seriously, I can wear them with anything. Nothing spectacular has happened lately. Honestly I've been undergoing trying to schedule bariatric surgery and packing. I know, totally awesome. Haven't discovered anything terribly new and cool lately, except for 'Sleep Talkin' Man' - hilarious.

Right now I'm reading 'Star Girl' by Jerry Spinelli, for obvious reasons. I suggest everyone read and re-read it often. There really is nothing like light young adult reading. I think next I'll pick up 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' and dive right in. Today I hope to accomplish some kind of inner peace. Boys are so funny- they really have a crappy sense measurement. Jeremy keeps telling everyone we're almost finished packing- we're not even close. I think he just sees so many boxes that he figures we've got to be making real progress. As a veteran at packing and moving (over 20 times in my life) knows better.