

So, I suppose I'm supposed to write something clever, but honestly, I've got nothing. We're moving next week, it's expensive and time consuming. We've worked out a most excellent deal with our new landlords (The Ryan's) and we'll be paying rent bi-monthly. Every time Jeremy gets paid we'll be handing over a certain amount. Yay for this! The last thing we need is late fees and yeah... my confidence in our money management skills are somewhat dwindling right now. I guess I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that I'm almost 25, have no job and have managed to make a huge mess of my life up until this point. On the bright side, I'm thinking that It's not completely ridiculous that I had to go through every thing I have in the last few years to re-prioritize as sorts.

Anyways, so much is changing. We're moving out to Diamond Bar, as stated earlier. We'll be sharing a 3 bedroom house with our friends, David and Caitlin. I'll be starting at Mt.Sac mid February and finally going back to school for my AA in fine arts. Honestly, it's the only thing I can think of at this point. I've decided to start doing makeup again. Hooray. My friend Crystal is an incredibly talented hair dresser and I think that with her doing hair and me doing makeup we can make some extra money doing weddings and photo shoots. After I have my portfolio built up and a degree under my belt I want to start apprenticing at a tattoo shop in southern California. I know it sounds insane and the industry is really competitive but I believe it's the answer I've been looking for. I feel really passionate about it and I know what it's going to take.

Until the time is right I'm going to move, get my home situated and get back into my creative groove. I probably wont update again until after we've moved and the house is more situated. Next post will be a "our new place" post. There is much, much more to tell but honestly I am too tired and too busy to dedicate too much time right now. Happy 25th birthday to me next Thursday! I'm going to make 25 the best year yet.